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Scientific publications to read on

In our latest study, we reveal the capacity of infrared spectroscopy to capture four common cancers. Interestingly, we were also in the position to differentiate between different cancers. For details please see
"Infrared molecular fingerprinting of blood-based liquid biopsies for the detection of cancer"
that was published in the scientific journal eLife.

In the journal Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., we published the article unveiling the chemistry of blood-based infrared molecular fingerprints
"Molecular origin of blood-based infrared spectroscopic fingerprints”.

The surprising stability and robustness of measured blood-based fingerprints from the same people followed over time was revealed in our Nature Communications article "Stability of person-specific blood-based infrared molecular fingerprints opens up prospects for health monitoring”.

If you are interested in the underlying ultrashort pulsed laser technology, please visit our Nature article
“Field-resolved infrared spectroscopy of biological systems”.

You are always welcome to ask questions about our research:

Mihaela Žigman, Dr. rer. nat.
mihaela.zigman @ mpq.mpg.de

In the Press: